-1.8 C
New York
January 30, 2025

Russia Vs Ukraine; how the West conquers by ‘looting’


By attacking Ukraine, Russia has given the West a blank cheque to loot as a way to conquer.

For me the real war between Ukraine and Russia is the economic war the West has launched against Russia.

The strategy is to place sanctions on most of Russia’s wealth outside of that country in order to cripple it financially as a way of curtailing its ability to execute the war.

So most assets have been frozen and its ability to trade, messed up by exclusion from most global paying system platforms in the West, like SWIFT.

The other key component of this strategy is the freezing of the assets of Russia’s politically connected business class, called the Oligarchs like Roman Abramovich. Many of them made their wealth by being chummy and ensconced with the Russian President Vladimir Putin. It is believed that they have a mutual relationship, with Putin deriving a lot of his power from the economic muscle and reach of the Oligarchs.

By seizing their wealth, the West presuppose that they will break the umbilical cord that binds the two. At worst it will pitch the Oligarchs against Putin who is now a liability to their wealth, luxury and freedom around the world, especially in Europe.

We leave all that to time to tell us if it will work as planned. What is of interest to yours truly is the manner of involvement of the West in this conflict.

Initially it appeared Ukraine had a ready ally who was willing to stand with them shoulder to shoulder on the battlefield. Anyone who has heard even a quarter of the story of the military and economic might of the USA and its European allies would stand up against Russia especially if the former is talking tough against the latter.

Ukraine did so. Russia attacked and now Ukraine is literally alone on the battlefield asking for weapons and the help it assumed would be a given.

Meanwhile the West is concentrating on ‘crippling,’ economic sanctions as their major contribution and the media is in its element giving blow by blow updates on  how ‘extremely damaging’ these have been to Russia thus far and continue to be.

You have to give it to the West and all the countries in the NATO grouping, especially the ones who in the last two centuries colonized parts of the world.

They have always been very consistent when it comes to keeping their eyes on the economic ball. To them conquest is not just a battlefield or boardroom affair. It must go beyond and get to the money. If you look at Africa for instance, when the British came to the so-called Dark Continent the motive was to Christianize, civilize and introduce the people to commerce.

The British and all the other colonial powers creamed off the most fertile lands and took them over as ‘settlers.’ They went into full scale extraction of minerals and other resources for which the natives got a pittance. In places like the Congo where the heartless, murderous and extremely callous King Leopold II of Belgium, superintended over immense violence and dehumanization to enhance the looting process.

They did not stop at that. They engaged in extensive stealing of art crafts and other articles created by African artisans for decades, some of which were very valuable spiritual symbols and shamelessly displayed them in European museums, probably as part of their civilization campaign in the Dark Continent.

It has been the same story in the Gulf wars, the uprising in Libya etc where the payment is at the end of the day paid for by the resources of the very countries in which the destructive wars are fought purportedly for the advancement of democracy. This sadly includes the ill advised adventures like the war in Iraq prompted by the ‘presence’ of weapons of mass destruction which did/do not exist.

It is quite loud and clear that the global dominance of the West wherever it stretches, is premised on economic dominance and destruction of those it contends with. It heavily depends on crippling and pillaging if need be in order to humiliate and incapacitate its opponents.

In the Ukrainian crisis the argument that the Oligarchs are for Putin and freezing their wealth and assets is just a self serving excuse to continue with ‘looting,’ tradition that has stood since time immemorial.

That is why we have to look at the future with trepidation. Western economies have in the last 20 years or so suffered a kind of ‘humiliation,’ that they probably did not ever anticipate.

Their economic dominance, their greatest pride, has been put to test and overwhelmed in some instances. The economic growth in the East of Japan, India, China, South Korea etc. is a source of concern as they have overtaken many in the top 10 on the list of the largest economies on the globe.

China and Japan have overtaken powerhouses like the United Kingdom and Germany. India, a former British colony, is ahead of France and Italy.

It is very emotionally painful for many that brands that were hitherto the pride of these countries are now owned by not just ‘foreigners’ but entities from former colonies.

In the UK Jaguar Landrover is now owned by the Indian group TATA from the former colony of India.
China with assets of about £143 billion which include power plants, manufacturing and things as basic as pubs, is now a force to reckon with.

This economic paradigm shift as discomforting as the slave finally working his way up the ladder and settling into the former master’s house.

In the UK you have to appreciate the case of Abramovich the owner of Chelsea Football Club who turned it from a mediocre team to a respectable global brand, through heavy investment.

The transformation was bitter sweet to many who nicknamed it ‘Chelsky,’ to begrudgingly denote the Russian hand in the old British Club. Now it appears a window has opened to turn the club back to its British roots as it has been practically yanked from Abramovich under the guise of fighting for the suffering people of Ukraine.

The West in order to protect its global dominance in all spheres is going to embark on waging economic wars at every opportunity. By attacking Ukraine, Russia has given the West a blank cheque to loot as a way to conquer.

Mr Sengoba is a commentator on political and social issues
Twitter: @nsengoba


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