The Warsan

The The collapse of Geneva talks may pave the way for rival governments in Khartoum, Port Sudan


The settlement paths based on the principles of preserving the unity of Sudan are retreating in exchange for the escalation of tensions in stabilizing the political and military structures in accordance with the currently prevailing geographical situation.
August 27, 2024

The faltering Geneva negotiations have put the future of Sudan in more difficult danger after the decline in bets on negotiated solutions, the trend towards more fighting and battles in multiple regions, and the efforts of both the army and the Rapid Support Forces to strengthen its control over the areas in which it is located to establish its legitimacy, in a repetition of what happened. In Libya.

The Sudanese army commander, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, spoke hours after the end of the Geneva negotiations about “forming an interim government to manage the transitional period,” starting from the location of the current government structures in the city of Port Sudan in the east of the country, within a context in which the army’s desire appeared strong to engage in more battles without Looking at the efforts that are trying to prevent him from moving forward in this direction, which lays the seeds for dividing the country.

On Saturday, Al-Basha Tabiq, advisor to the Commander of the Rapid Support Forces, hinted at announcing a parallel government in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, indicating in his tweet on the

Tabik stated that the government, in turn, will look to protect civilians, delegitimize the head of the Sovereignty Council, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, open diplomatic relations with a number of countries, and conclude deals to purchase warplanes and advanced air defense systems to neutralize army aviation, in addition to establishing a banking system in areas controlled by the Rapid Support Forces. .

These statements demonstrate that the settlement paths based on the principles of preserving the unity of Sudan are retreating, in exchange for the escalation of tensions to stabilize political and military structures according to the currently prevailing geographical situation, and that the fears of division that emerged following the outbreak of war in mid-April of last year are surfacing strongly at the present time.

This was a reason for the pressure exerted by regional powers on Al-Burhan to engage in the Geneva negotiations as a valuable opportunity to reach a ceasefire agreement.


Abdul Wahed Ibrahim: The party that will have stronger relations with the international community may be heard better
Abdul Wahed Ibrahim: The party that will have stronger relations with the international community may be heard better


The Geneva meetings called for by the United States began on the fourteenth of August and ended on the twenty-third, with the presence of the Rapid Support delegation and the boycott of the army delegation, as an attempt to resolve the complications before moving to new negotiating grounds.

The absence of the army delegation, the inability to implement the outcomes of the Jeddah Declaration, and the failure of international pressure to push for a halt to the fighting contributed to the expansion of the conflict and the difficulty of returning to calm, which serves forces affiliated with the Islamic Movement that have no objection to dividing Sudan in order to be at the head of authority. Control a limited geographical area.

The leader of the Coordination of Democratic Civil Forces (Taqaddum), Khaled Youssef Omar, warned of Sudan sliding into the danger of partition, pointing out on his Facebook account that there are signs of this danger, and that the world is actually dealing with the so-called areas of army control, areas of control of the Rapid Support, and areas of control of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan. Sudan – North, areas controlled by the Sudan Liberation Movement, and operates independently and according to its own management systems.

He added that as the “voracious” Port Sudan group seeks to gain legitimacy to represent the state and claim that it represents the legitimate government of Sudan, other governments that dispute its legitimacy will undoubtedly emerge, and that excluding the option of fragmentation misrepresents our own history and similar experiences in the region.

It stuck in the minds of many Sudanese that the Tripoli government in Libya used a regional back to stabilize its foundations, and that the Sudanese Defense Minister’s going to Russia coinciding with the Geneva negotiations suggested that Moscow could play a supportive role to keep the de facto government in power, despite the Sudanese people’s opposition to the coup that It occurred on October 25, 2021, amid fears that the crisis could turn into a conflict between several regional powers.

Sudanese political analyst Abdel Wahed Ibrahim said that the situation differs from Libya in some details, because the army or the Rapid Support Forces do not have the ability to form governments in the areas under their control, in light of a large segment of citizens rejecting the course of the war and agreeing to end it and return to the democratic path that was agreed upon. Following the overthrow of the regime of former President Omar al-Bashir.

He added in a statement to Al-Arab that the nature of the social, civil and political components in Sudan refuses to recognize the de facto government that came on the ruins of the October 25 coup, and refuses to create another to administer the areas controlled by the Rapid Support Forces, and there is no legality or legality for any political movement currently. As long as there is no agreement on stopping the war, on future courses of political action, and there are no laws or constitution on which any announced governments can be based.

◄ The absence of the army delegation, the inability to implement the outcomes of the Jeddah Declaration, and the failure of international pressure to push towards stopping the fighting are factors that contributed to the expansion of the conflict.

Abdul Wahed ruled out that any new government would be recognized by the international community and international organizations, and that dealing with the current government in Port Sudan is a de facto government. The evidence for this is that the international community insisted that Al-Burhan send a representative delegation of the army to Geneva and not a delegation from the Sudanese government.

The Sudanese analyst stressed that the party that will have stronger relations with the international community may be listened to better, and have greater chances of convincing external parties of its directions and steps.

The Commander of the Rapid Support Forces, Lieutenant General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (Hemedti), said in a tweet on the The Sudanese suffering because of this war.”

Many Sudanese are convinced that the war has found a new lung that will lead to its prolongation, with the failure of the Geneva negotiations, and reliance on the delivery of humanitarian aid as the maximum solution that can be achieved on the ground now, amid expectations that the parties seeking to continue the conflict will search for additional capabilities to support Military aspects

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