The Warsan

My Vision For Africa’s Radiant Future

Candidacy for the Presidency of the African Union Commission 2025


September 14, 2024

Warsan magazine



I am humbled and honored to present to you a bold andambitious vision for Africa’s future, which I bear as anexperienced and determined candidate, for the position of Chairperson of the African Union Commission.
It is with great pride that I share withyou my roadmap for an integrated Africa, prosperous and peaceful,
guided by fundamental values such as respect of diversity, gender equality, transparency, integrity and efficiency of the African Union.
My commitment is to place our continent at the heart of global transformation. I do recognize that
this vision requires broad and united support. I cordially invite you to give it due consideration and to support
this collective effort, for the benefit of our African continent.


This vision is based on a set of fundamental principles, designed to respond to the complex challenges
and promising opportunities which shape our future. Inspired by Agenda 2063 and its second ten-year plan, I
am strongly determined to pursue the achievement of our common objectives aimed at positively
transforming our continent.

I further recognize the importance of the institutional reforms that are already underway, and I commit to consolidate and integrate them fully into our daily work. As the future Chairperson of the African Union Commission, I firmly commit to exercise a responsible leadership, to strengthen Governance and Democracy, to strengthen our institutional capacity, to promote peace and security, to stimulate economic and social development, to develop infrastructure, to undertake a bold transition to tackle environmental challenges, support the future of our youth, to increase employment, to champion gender equality and to reinvigorate the African Diaspora, as well as to promote Africa’s place on the world stage.

This ambitious vision aims at making Africa a success, where each citizen can reach her/his full potential in a peaceful, prosperous and dignified environment. With your support and collective engagement, we can make this vision a reality, making Africa a beacon of hope and of progress for the rest of the world.


I pledge to exercise responsible leadership, by managing with clarity and determination in order to advance the goals of the African Union. I believe in a collaborative and inclusive approach, where diversity and skills are valued and where all are encouraged to contribute to the achievement of our common vision.
Strengthening governance and accountability are essential aspects of our approach. I commit to promote a culture of accountability and transparency at the African Union, ensuring that all our actions are guided by principles of integrity and impartiality. I am determined to enforce the financial and regulatory directives
of the Union, and to rigorously report on our activities to decision-making bodies.

By combining these two aspects, we can consolidate our institutional foundations and ensure effective and responsible governance of our organization.


Mohamud Ali Youf, AU candidate



As the Commission’s Chairperson, I steadfastly commit to promote democracy and to firmly
condemn any unconstitutional change of power, in accordance with the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance.

Democracy is essential to guarantee citizen engagement and the protection of fundamental rights. Constitutional modifications need to respect democratic procedures in order to maintain the stability and legitimacy of governments.

Respecting democratic institutions is crucial to ensure equitable and transparent governance. As chair, I commit to defend these fundamental principles for Africa’s future. Strengthening of the institutional
capacity of the African Union is a fundamental element of the reform already underway that will enable us to
achieve our continental aspirations. It would be wise to fully operationalize, through a pragmatic approach, all the necessary mechanisms to efficiently address the complex challenges that shape Africa. By investing in competences development and fostering a culture based on merit, excellence and innovation, we can guarantee that the AU possesses qualified staff and the necessary processes to function optimally.

Moreover, building institutional capacity requires a modernization of internal processes and procedures, to
enable them to adapt to the evolving realities of the continent. This implies constant adaptation of regulatory texts, of protocols, to ensure an increased operational efficiency and better response to emerging

Additionally, a close collaboration with member states and external partners is essential. Guided by the
firm belief of promoting and defending Africa’s interest, I will continue to build strategic partnerships with
international organizations and financial institutions, in order to draw from their expertise and additional
resources to strengthen our actions.




To guarantee the trust and support of African citizens, transparency and accountability must be at the heart of our efforts. Setting up rigorous monitoring and evaluation mechanisms is essential to ensure a responsible use of resources and clearly report on progress made in the achievement of our common goals.
Through adoption of this holistic approach on institutional capacity building, we can position the AU as a key player in the positive transformation of our continent.

Peace and security are essential pillars of Africa’s sustainable development. In the face of ongoing security challenges across our continent, it is imperative for the African Union to intensify its efforts to prevent conflicts and promote stability.

As a candidate to the chairmanship of the African Union Commission, I fully grasp the immense challenges and I pledge to intensify our actions to face them. The flagship program of the African Union of silencing the guns by 2030 will guide our actions in this field.



As head of Djibouti’s diplomacy over the past two decades, I have acquired a wealth of experience in mediation, both at the bilateral and multilateral level, including within IGAD and AU frameworks. I have also chaired several meetings of the African Union Peace and Security Council, where we addressed crises that
continue to destabilize continent. Nevertheless, clearly much remains to be accomplished. We need to
intensify our efforts in conflict prevention, strengthen mediation and arbitration mechanisms, and promote regional and international cooperation to resolve existing conflicts and prevent the emergence of new ones.

Furthermore, we need to address the root causes of conflict, such as poverty, youth unemployment, social inequalities and marginalization, to build more resilient and peaceful societies. As Chairperson of the Commission, I commit to work in close collaboration with member states, regional and international organizations, as well as civil society, to guarantee a new peace and security paradigm in Africa. Together,
we can build a future where each African citizen can live in peace, security and prosperity.


First and foremost, I would like to recognize the praiseworthy efforts that have been undertaken to promote economic and social development in Africa. Significant progress has been achieved in fields such as health, education and technology, thanks to the hard work of our leaders and our strategic partners. However, it is also important to recognize that challenges remain. Numerous communities in Africa continue to face major obstacles such as poverty, malnutrition, a lack of access to basic education and health care, as well as
social and economic inequalities.


As candidate, I promise to tackle head-on these challenges by strengthening the bonds between the Commission and the Regional Economic Communities by adopting a holistic and inclusive approach, in order to promote economic and social development in Africa.

Firstly, I am firmly convinced that health and nutrition are essential foundations for human and economic development. I commit to massively invest into health systems that are strong and accessible to all African citizens, by strengthening, among other things, institutions such as the African Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (AfricaCDC). Additionally, I will promote school nutrition and food programs to guarantee that our children are well nourished, which is essential for their well-being and future success.

Secondly, it is undeniable that education, science and technology are the drivers of economic growth and innovation. I will work to strengthen our educational systems at all levels, focusing on literacy, technical and vocational skills, as well as on the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education. Moreover, I will support scientific research and innovation to find solutions to the problems our continent is facing, by encouraging cooperation between African universities, research centers and the private sector.

Thirdly, I commit to promote the development of higher education and research in Africa. The Pan African University (PAU) is the jewel of our continent and I will work to strengthen its role as a center of excellence for education and research. Added to that, I will facilitate academic mobility in Africa, encouraging exchanges of students and researchers between AU member countries.

Finally, I firmly believe that outer space offers important opportunities for Africa’s development. I pledge to promote the peaceful and productive use of space, by encouraging space research and facilitating regional and international cooperation in this field. I am determined to work towards achieving this ambitious vision and transform our continent into an engine of economic growth and social progress.




I am determined to move forward with strategic projects begun by previous chairpersons of the ommission, including the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and a major infrastructure projects, such as the integrated railway and hydroelectric dam. I count on close cooperation with the private sector to mobilize necessary resources to complete these projects. My goal is to stimulate economic growth through investment in transport and electrification sectors, with a view of creating a more prosperous future for all Africans. I strongly believe that these initiatives will have a significant impact on the lives of millions African citizens and call upon collective action to realize these ambitions.

Africa faces unprecedented environmental and climate challenges which endanger the sustainable development and prosperity of its population. As part of Agenda 2063, it is vital to take bold measures to face these challenges. Natural events such deforestation, desertification, air and water pollution, as well
as climate change threaten food security, public health and economic stability of the region. To overcome these challenges, it is crucial to promote policies and initiatives that foster transition towards a green and resilient economy. This transition entails massive investment in renewable energy, strengthening
protection of fragile ecosystems, promoting sustainable agriculture, and developing infrastructure resistant to climate change.

Additionally, it is essential to reinforce regional and international cooperation to mobilize the financial resources and technologies necessary in the fight against climate change. By cooperating with other nations and organizations, Africa can leverage best practices to create a more sustainable and resilient future for
its citizens.


As a candidate to the chairmanship of the AU Commission, I commit to place environmental protection and challenges posed by climate change at the core of our continental agenda. Together, we can build a future where Africa prospers, while preserving its natural wealth for future generations.




As part of my role as AU Commission Chairperson, I commit to coordinate policies and programs in accordance with the objectives and priorities defined by Member States in Agenda 2063. However, in my view, it is vital to be an advocate and a leader to advance initiatives aimed at supporting youth, reducing unemployment, promote gender equality and to strengthen the bonds with the African diaspora. I will work in close cooperation with Member States to encourage collaboration, and to implement these policies at the continental level, while respecting member states’ roles and their responsibilities.

I firmly believe that African youth are our continent’s future. It is therefore imperative that we offer our young people significant opportunities here on African soil. We need to ensure that our youths do not perish in the oceans in search of opportunities elsewhere.
My goal is to create opportunities of getting quality education, access to employment and entrepreneurship for each African youth, with a view to release their full potential and position them as the leaders in all fields.
The fight against unemployment in Africa is an absolute priority. I commit to put in place economic policies conducive to job creation, to supporting local entrepreneurship, and to strengthen vocational training programs, in order to guarantee that each African citizen gets the opportunity to contribute to
our continent’s prosperity.


I am determined to promote gender equality in Africa. This means fair access to education, health, employment and political participation for all, regardless of gender. We must work together to end discrimination and gender- based violence and create a continent where each can freely thrive.


The African Diaspora is a precious resource for our continent



I commit to strengthen the bonds with the African Diaspora, to encourage its engagement in Africa’s development, and to create opportunities enabling it to contribute to our economic growth, our innovation and our global influence. Together, we can build a prosperous future for all Africans, wherever they are in the world.

Gender African Diaspora


In the context of promoting Africa on the world stage, two essential aspects stand out: the necessity of a fair representation of Africa at the global level and reinforcing its role in international forums.

• Equitable Representation at the Global Level: Commit to defend a more equitable representation of Africa within international institutions like the United Nations Security Council, Board of Directors of the Bretton Woods institutions as well other international institutions, to guarantee that Africa’s voice and interests are duly considered in all issues, including in global peace and security issues.

• Strengthening Africa’s Role in International Forums: Promote Africa’s involvement in international forums, using these platforms to advance the continent’s economic and development interests, and by making sure that Africa is an influential player on global policy discussions.

In conclusion, with your support and a collective commitment, we can transform this vision into reality, making Africa a beacon of hope and progress for the rest of the world. Together, we can build a future where Africa prospers while preserving its natural wealth for future generations.

Let us unite in this quest for a bright future for Africa, where each citizen can reach her/his full potential in a peaceful, prosperous and dignified environment.
Let us commit to place our continent at the heart of global transformation, by promoting an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, guided by fundamental values of respect, equality and transparency. With determination and solidarity, we can overcome challenges ahead and build a better future for all Africans, where Africa plays a leading role on the world stage.

I therefore invite you to support this ambitious project and embrace this inspirational vision for the future of our continent.
Together, we can make a difference and pave the way for a better future.

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